
When it comes to certification, working with the right Certification Body is essential. Whether you require a new product to be certified or have a certificate variation that you need to complete promptly, Eurofins E&E CML can help.

Our engineers are experienced, responsive, and helpful, and our laboratory is well equipped to complete the testing quickly and efficiently.

What if my equipment is already ATEX/IECEX/UKEX certified by another Certification Body?

When a product is already certified, making changes to the equipment often initiates the need for a variation. The variation can be urgent and essential to continue production, for example, when a component supply issue arises, or a material shortage has been identified.

In such circumstances, completing the certification work quickly can be imperative.
Eurofins E&E CML has vast experience transferring products from other Certification Bodies and recertifying them to include manufacturer’s design changes. The process is straightforward, and certification is completed in an industry-leading timeframe.

Can a similar approach be applied for North American Hazloc certification?

If manufacturers have products certified for North America and wish to change NRTL (Nationally Recognised Test Laboratory), the process is relatively similar to that for ATEX/IECEx/UKEX certification. Eurofins E&E CML (a MET NRTL site) can review the existing product and certification, and upon successful completion, a certification record will be issued. MET Factory Inspections are also initiated if the manufacturer does not already have a MET Hazloc inspection programme.

For details of the process for North American certification, along with helpful information on the marking requirements, visit our dedicated webpage:

Want to know what other Ex manufacturers say about us? Visit our testimonials page.

Our team will be pleased to assist you – Contact us via:
Telephone: +44 (0)151 559 1160